We all have that Childhood Friend with whom we had shared a lot of joyful memories. So, wish your dearest friend these Birthday Wishes on his Birthday to make Him feel special that you still remember him!
Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Childhood Friend

Have a fun-filled celebration on your special day!
You always look ten years younger than you actually are. I hope you share your secrets with me someday. In the meantime, happy birthday!
Great people like you are hard to find and even harder to keep around. I wish you all the best and a happy birthday, my dear friend!
Thank you for the sweet memories we’ve been able to share for the last 15 years. If I could go back to our childhood, I wouldn’t want to change anything about our friendship. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you! One of my greatest joys in life is having someone like you by my side. Thank you for believing in me and challenging me to become a better friend by being the best one ever!
You’re my best friend and second to none. Thank you for being an important part of my life ever since childhood! I hope you have an unforgettable birthday.
I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Here’s to making more amazing memories in the years to come. I hope all of your birthday dreams come true!
I’ll never forget the memories of the times we shared, and I’m so inspired by everything you do. Happy birthday!
Every memory shared with you is a treasure that will never fade away. Congratulations on reaching another year, and a very happy birthday to you!
I think of you often, and it’s an honor to be a part of your birthday festivities. I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest. Happy birthday!
Childhood Bestie Birthday Wishes for Childhood Friend

I would never leave you and you would never, this promise we made in childhood under sun’s gaze. Still fulfilling it. It is the friendship of us unfazed.
We’re so excited to celebrate your birthday with you this year. We wish you luck, health, and happiness!
I’ve known you since childhood and I can tell you from experience that you’re still just as fun and playful as you were back then!
Many friends in life come and go But you’re a forever friend Of that I’m sure! Happy birthday to you today, My sweet and beautiful dear!
I miss your smile and everything about you. Here’s to wishing you a very happy birthday, best friend!
Birthdays bring many great gifts year after year, but no gift could be greater than all of the wonderful childhood memories that you’ve given to me.
Happy birthday! I wanted to let you know how much I care about you and hope your day is as awesome as you are!
Our mesmerizing childhood memories bring tears to my eyes and wish to live those days again with you. Happy birthday to my brother from another mother. Have fun!
Don’t you ever feel alone, I am always gonna be by your side. Just call me anytime and I will be there. Happy birthday my childhood friend.
You have no idea how much you mean to me. I think of you often, and wish you a lovely birthday!
I wanted to wish you good luck in your future endeavors and a fantastic birthday
Birthday Wishes for a Childhood Friend who is Far Away

Throughout my life, everyone could see the tears in my eyes but only you could feel the pain in my heart. Thanks for being my friend, wherever we are in the world.
We may not have each other’s company every day like before. But deep in our hearts, we two are so strongly connected that nothing can tear us apart.
No distance can weaken our friendship. We will always be in each other’s thoughts as long as there is a word called friendship in the dictionary!
Our friendship will always grow stronger regardless of the distance that separates us or the time that passes. We are friends for life and always will be!
We may not share the same space anymore but we have shared some of the most colorful memories in our lives together. Our friendship will grow stronger every time we think of them.
Since you are away from me, my days are spent thinking of you and remembering the moments we have shared together! I hope you are thinking of me too.
People may move from one place to another, but memories stay in the same place forever, that is in our hearts. It’s those memories that keep us connected forever!
Don’t measure the distance by the length of a meter or a mile but in terms of our hearts. It is far away but not by heart. You and I will always be best friends.
Not even the greatest distance can end a friendship as beautiful as ours, I am sad you are so far away but I know that we will always be very close.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Childhood Friend
“You age like fine wine.”
“No one wears your age like you do.”
“This year is the year you’re too old for presents, right?”
“At our age, drinking and eating cake isn’t anything special. That’s just called Thursday night. Hope your birthday is extraordinary!”
“You don’t look a day over 30. Wait, today’s the big 3-0?”
“At this age, hangovers don’t hit like they used to. So make sure you cancel all your plans for tomorrow.”
“At this point, birthdays are more like cruel reminders than celebrations. Let’s make the best of it!”
“Does this mean we have to start going on cruises for our annual trips?”
“At 21, we looked forward to drinking. At 25, we could rent a car. Now the next milestone is… discount dining at Denny’s.”
“I got tired of counting candles on your birthday cake so we can just relight a few times.”
Birthday Wishes for Childhood Friend Girl
You are really a true companion and the great woman I’ve ever met. I wish you all the love, and good health, and every one of your dreams may come true. Happy birthday!
Sending you best and warm wishes to the special person in my life who magnifies my joy and whose presence doubles my happiness. May you have an outstanding evening with lots of love!
You are intelligent, compassionate, charming, and strong. The best thing is that you are also my best friend forever. A happy special day to you!
Happy birthday, girl. There is no better friend than you and there is no one I would share my secrets and thoughts with. Happy birthday my friend!
I feel so grateful to have you as my best buddy. Hope your birthday is as splendid as you are. May all of your dreams come true. Thanks for being such a best friend. Happy birthday!
Happiest birthday to my fabulous, fun-loving, and crazy birthday girl! I hope you have a splendid day and a glamourous year. Tons of love to you.
Time will go by, and lovely and beautiful faces will fade away, but a beautiful heart will only grow more beautiful. Happy birthday to my birthday girl. You are one of those who have a beautiful heart.
Birthday Wishes for Childhood Friend Boy
Every step of the way you were there for me. Through thick and thin I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday, wishes!
Thanks for another year of being an awesome friend. Happy birthday dear friend!
Happy belated Birthday! I’m so sorry I forgot to write earlier, but how do you expect me to remember your birthday if you never look any older?
I promise this card isn’t late. It is intentionally arriving after your birthday because I think you deserve a whole birth month. Happy Birth-month!
Wishing you a wonderful day and all the most amazing things on your Big Day!
I wish that life brings you a beautiful surprise for every candle on your bday cake!
Hugging you don’t need any reason but, if there is a reason, more than one hug is a norm. Happy Birthday!
Thank you for all the memories we have. Without you, the world would have been colorless to
Life is tough but birthdays are smooth because I will finally have a chance to smile at you. Happy birthday.
Wishing you a memorable day and an adventurous year, Happy birthday
Hope your birthday is as wonderful and extraordinary as you are.
I wish you to enjoy your special day, relax and let yourself be spoiled, you deserve it!