You, better than anyone else, know your sister’s qualities and defects, and you know that even though she is not perfect, she is a wonderful and admirable person. So we have selected Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Sister that express your joy for having her in your life and that will make her day more special. Choose your favorite one and share it!
Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Sister

Here’s a little card to tell you that… I love to tease you so much! Can’t wait to do it more in the future. Happy birthday sis
Happy birthday to you. You will always be older than me… Ha Ha Ha!
Happy birthday to the sister who has the best sister in the world! hip Hip Hooray
Happy birthday sis! Being a part of my family is the only gift you need… Well, just saying!
I hope your birthday is as cool as your little sister! Happy Birthday to you
I once thought it would be fun to have a little sister… now your birthday reminds me that I’m old. Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday to my sweet sister. Always remember that if you fall down, I’ll always be there to pick you up… as soon as I’m done laughing!
My dear sister, on this special day of yours, I wish you an exciting life, full of good surprises and incredible discoveries!
Best wishes for an amazing birthday to the best friend and most amazing sister you could ever have.
It was an awesome experience to grow up alongside such a fun and crazy girl like you. I cherish all of our sweet childhood memories, as great as they were. You will always be my sweet little sister. Happy Birthday!
Sis, I would like to thank you for being the most loving and caring sister in the world. No one understands me better than you.
Happy birthday to the coolest sister ever! You always manage to cheer me up and brighten my days. I love you.
Happy birthday to my darling sister! I wish you all the happiness in the world and many happy memories.
My warmest wishes to my amazing sister, the one who brings color to my life and makes it exciting.
Dear sister, I wish you all the best on this very special day. May your life be prosperous, filled with joy and love. Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday sis, you mean everything to me. I am one of the luckiest people on earth to have you in my life.
My sincerest wishes to my incredible sister! You mean so much to me my darling, I wish you all the happiness in the world and a happy birthday!
My sister, we may not talk every day, but you are always in my heart and thoughts. I wish you a happy birthday and send you my love.
We may fight, argue and annoy each other, but you will always be my best friend for life. I love you through thick and thin. Happy birthday sis.
A sister is like the warm, comforting chocolate heart that drips from life’s muffin. You are the chocolate of my life sis. I wish you a very happy birthday and may all your dreams come true.
Despite the arguments and differences, you are still the most important person in my life. Happy Birthday to you!
Sis, you are my best friend in the world. What would I have done without those pillow fights every night? I wish you a very happy birthday my darling sister.
It’s your birthday sister and I have to tell you how much I love you. I know I won’t be able to be there, but know that you are the most beautiful sister in the world. I love you.
A star shone on the day you were born. And since that day, you have not stopped shining to the point that you are my flashlight when darkness invades me. Happy birthday my dear sister.
Happy birthday my dearest. It’s silly, but I think I said it to your face this morning when I woke up. This is your day, and make the most of it. Don’t do anything stupid. Your big brother who loves you very much.
Every year, you always put that little smile on our faces on your birthday. On this special day for you, put it on for us again, we tell you that we love you very much and will do everything we can to make you happy forever. Happy birthday our dear sister. Your big brothers who love you very much.
The light has risen in the family. This day that is famous for you and precious for us, because your coming has united us a little more. With this message full of love, we thank you for being present in our lives. We love you very much and we wish you a happy birthday.
Another day that reminds us that you came into this world. Another moment that makes us think about your first screams in the hospital. You were the joy of a mother, the happiness of a father and the love of a brother who was committed to take care of you from now on. Happy birthday my sister.
The day you were born, everyone was smiling and you were crying. On this day too, the same scenario is repeated. You are crying, but we all know the immense joy that you feel. Have fun my little sister and never forget that we love you and we will always love you.
The fear of being alone left me the day you came into the world, because you replaced the emptiness at home. Your birth is the one thing that will always be the greatest event in my life. Sister, thank you for being here and happy birthday.
The beauty of a necklace depends on the quality of the pearls chosen. Our family is made up of rare pearls like you, that’s why we celebrate your birthday because your coming has increased the value of the family. Happy birthday my sister.
One day more or one day less, to me you are still the same little sister, no matter how many candles you blow out. Simply because a precious stone does not degrade and that’s what you are to me.
The value of a person is not measured by the number of days they live, but by the love they can bring. And that’s what you’ve been doing since you came into the family. Happy birthday my little sister.
Everyone is at home to celebrate your day, because you are unique and magical. And even if people get tired of celebrating this day, I will always do it, because it’s a brother’s job to make his sister happy.
The month of June should be named after you, because you make it famous with your birth like Jesus Christ did for the month of December. Have fun, because you are an important person and you deserve the best in your life.
You were the little flower that I had to protect, but now you are able to stand on your own. However, this does not change the fact that I will always be there for you. Because this commitment was already made since you came into the world, that famous day when you were born. Happy birthday, sister.
It’s your birthday. Your friends are near you and your family too. All these people are here to share with you this day which is more important than others for you, and for us too. Happy birthday my dear little sister.
One year more for the others, but one year less for me, because each day that passes pushes you a little further away from the protective wings of your big brother. I am a little sad, but I will not miss the opportunity to wish you a happy birthday. Your big brother who loves you very much.
Happy birthday my beautiful. Today you are one year older and you have an extra candle on your cake. We, your brothers, are proud because you are the light that illuminates our days. We love you very much, little sister.
Today is a wonderful day. A day full of memories. That’s why this day should always be remembered. This day is the day of your birth. You may not remember it, but I do. Because an extraordinary girl came into my life. That’s why we celebrate, happy birthday my little sister.
A star was born, a jewel arrived, a woman was given to us, a little sister was given to me this day and that little sister was you. Know that I will always love you. All my best wishes.
Also See
- Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for a Friend
- Romantic Birthday Wishes for your Boyfriend
- Happy Birthday Wishes for Brothers
- Birthday Wishes for a Girlfriend
Short Birthday Wishes for Sister

Enjoy your birthday, sister! And every day make the most of everything good that life offers you.
Happy birthday, my sister! You are my friend and companion, and living with you is a gift from God. Te amo!
Happy Birthday, little sister! I love and admire you for everything you represent to me. Best wishes, my beautiful one!
May joy take over your day and your life, sister! Happy Birthday!
Without you, my life would be empty and our family would be incomplete. Happy Birthday, best sister in the world!
You deserve all the praises in the world, sister! Keep being this true, honest, amazing woman. Happy Birthday!
Many people have a sister, but having a sister and a friend is a privilege of few. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, my sister! You deserve the most intense shine in your eyes, the most open smile on your lips, and a heart beating with joy.
Happy Birthday, little sister! Never forget that I love you very much, you deserve all the years in the world to live!
Dear sister, I want you to know that I will always be by your side, whether you smile or cry. I love you! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, sister. I am very happy to have grown and learned so much by your side. I love you!
My big sister, I thank God for making you in such a special way. I wish you a shower of love, prosperity, and peace. Happy Birthday!
Sister, friend, and sometimes almost mother, you are the best person I have ever met. I wish you an ocean of happiness. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, my sister. You were and always will be my greatest example. Happy Birthday!
My sister, we have grown up and many things have changed, but what will never change is my love for you. Congratulations for your day!
May you trust in love and may your strength to overcome bring joy and fulfilled dreams to your life. My big sister, my inspiration, happy birthday!
Thank you for your friendship, besides being a sister, you are also a great friend. Happy Birthday!
Thank you for coming into the world before me and lighting my way… Happy Birthday, best big sister in the world!
My days with you were and are the best, thank you for existing and being my big sister. Happy Birthday!
My sister, I love you! Another year has passed and again we will celebrate this special day together. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, sister. You annoy me a lot, but I couldn’t live without you!
They say if you’re not annoying, you’re not a sister, right? Happy birthday, nag! Love you.
Happy birthday, sister! You’re boring, but I love you and enjoy our craziness.
No matter how much you annoy me, I will always love you just the way you are! Happy Birthday, sister!
You will always be one of the pillars of my life. You are boring, but I love you and I can’t live without you. Happy birthday, sister!
I admit that sometimes you are unbearable, but you are also the best sister in the world. For your company, I put up with your annoyances. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, you pain in the ass. As much as you are like that, I still love the way you are!
If it wasn’t for your nagging, how much nonsense I would have done in my life… Happy birthday, little sister!
Every family has a boring sister… Thank goodness it’s not me! Happy birthday, worst person in the world that I love so much!
Happy birthday, sister! The older you get, the more boring you get, right?
Also See
- Birthday Messages for a Mom
- Happy Birthday Wishes for Coworker
- Happy Birthday Texts for Her
- Birthday Texts Messages
Emotional Birthday Wishes for Sister

I thank God every day for your life and that we are such partners. It is so beautiful to see how much we are, besides sisters, great friends. Happy life! 🎊
Today is the day of one of the most special and present people in my life, my sister! I wish you all the happiness in the world, I love you! 😍
Happy birthday, sister. Congratulations for another cycle that closes and a new one that begins, may your dreams come true and may your projects prosper, because you deserve it. 🎉
May today be a great day, may the love that brought us together one day through family ties, may unite us always. You are a great sister, happy birthday! 🥳
Those who have a sister are sure that they will never be alone in life. Happy life, love you! ❤
Today is her birthday… My counselor, my inspiration, my protector, or simply, my sister. Happy life! 🎉🎂
Happy birthday, my sister. May you always be very happy. May your light continue strong and vibrant. May your paths be of much prosperity. 🥳
Congratulations for your day, sister. May God always illuminate your path and cover it with much light and happiness, because your happiness is also mine. 🎊
More than a sister you are my friend and companion and celebrate your day is a gift to me. Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂
Sister, I hope to always walk beside you, in every moment of your life. And may we never let go of your hands. Happy birthday! 🎉
High you shall live, high you shall live, three times high. Dear sister, may all your dreams come true. I wish you great love, health, success at work, lots of fun and dear friends for the celebration. Happy birthday wishes and many hugs
My dearest sis, for your birthday I wish you all the love without kidding. I wish you much happiness and joy, so that soon your dreams will come true.
Dearest sis, on your birthday I wish you all the best, good health and that all your dreams and wishes may come true.
With siblings it is complicated, peace is not always guaranteed, but with us everything was clear, because you are a special specimen.
Today, on your birthday, I give you not only the best, no, I want to give you much more, it is attachment for a lifetime.
We can go through thick and thin together, because sisters know how to understand each other. We can consult each other about everything, tell each other their biggest secret.
Even if we often quarrel, we have many similarities. Even if we often quarrel, I want to thank you. Thank you for being my sister.
Congratulations to the most beautiful sister in the universe. You have always been a blessing from God and that is that when we thought we couldn’t be happier, you came to assure us that we could be even happier.
Not only are you my best friend, you always listen to me and are always there for me when I needed you. Not everyone has such a great sister and today is your birthday, so I wish you an exceptionally happy day, you deserve it! Happy Birthday!
It’s her birthday, she has made another year. Is not only beautiful, she has also done everything else right! She goes her way, but she is never alone. She is my sister and her family will always be with her.
Even if sometimes we argue a lot, there is nothing better than the love of a sister. Happy birthday, I hope your day will be great and you will get many gifts.
You were the person I trusted with my secrets as a child. Sis, you were the one who took away some of my fears, who was always braver than me and who knew a solution for everything!
You were and always will be my greatest role model! I love you so much, my big sister, and therefore I wish you heaven on earth for your birthday! An angel like you has earned that !
It is true that we had many friends when we were kids, but still I feel that you are not only my sister, but also my best friend. I love you very much, sister. Happy birthday and happy birthday to you.
It’s true that we had many friends when we were kids, but still I feel that you are not only my sister, but also my best friend. I love you very much, sister. Happy birthday and happy birthday to you.
We don’t blame each other, because we are siblings until death, for you I give everything, today the cake, tomorrow the bread.
Happy birthday, dearest sister, let yourself be pressed all the harder! You have always been my role model and this moment is convenient for me to finally tell you that I love you on all days.
We sisters like from the Western, wild and unpredictable You are just wonderful! Happy birthday
You are the best sister in the world, there is none I like so much. And to my very best sister I congratulate full of joy on her birthday today.
It’s my sister’s birthday today. It’s going to be a nice party, when friends and relatives come to dance and laugh, that will also give my sister great joy.
Inspirational Birthday Wishes for Sister

Despite our arguments and disagreements, we are sisters and that is what makes our relationship so beautiful and special. I hope that this day is unique for you and that you can enjoy the beginning of your new year with us: Happy Birthday!
Today is an unforgettable day because it is your birthday. I wish you a good time in the company of your loved ones and then you will celebrate with all your friends. As a sister, I wish you a happy birthday.
Do you remember when we were riding our bikes looking for thousands of adventures? I remember like it was yesterday and it was a blessing to have you as a sister. Every day I give thanks for that. Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday older sister, you know you have always been my biggest support and for that I am very grateful. I will never forget all you have done for me, I will always be in your debt!
Even though I don’t tell you very often, you know that I love you very much and that you are an essential person in my life. So today I want to wish you a happy birthday. I hope that you will always be very happy and that all your wishes will come true.
Your birthday is a very special day and it is not only your birthday, it is also my birthday, happy birthday sister, I love you very much.
Happy birthday sister. I wish that you have only joys on this day. You are a very special person and deserve to be very happy on this and every day of your life.
May life give you happiness and joy and may it take away your worries, especially on a day like today, your birthday.
I wish you an evening full of laughter and contentment, that’s exactly what you deserve: happy birthday!
A sister like you is a gift from heaven and a blessing to the family. Even though you are the little sister, you always knew how to advise and support me when I needed it. That’s why I feel like I owe you so much, little one. I wish you all the best on your birthday. Happy Birthday. I love you, little sister!
The day has finally come for you to join me for a drink, today you are 18 years old! Happy birthday little sister, I hope you have a great time tonight and be very careful with the drinks so the hangover comes to us all!
Even though we are far away, it doesn’t matter, I still feel you close to me when I need it the most. That’s why I want to send you this birthday message today, hoping that you feel me close too, even if I’m not. You can count on me even when I am far away, sister. Happy birthday, sister.
Today I want to congratulate the best sister in the world, you. I hope that your birthday will be a beautiful one and that you will have an unforgettable day. Also, I hope you don’t forget your sister who loves you so much. Happy Birthday.
No two people are the same in this world, and that’s a good thing, because putting up with two like that shouldn’t be easy: Happy birthday, sister!
I woke up earlier than usual to wish you a happy birthday, older sister, you’re getting old! Try not to get up too early today. Enjoy your birthday.
Thanks for putting up with all my balls when we played soccer as a family. You are an exemplary sister and I am very proud that you reached the top of the mountain. Happy birthday from your brother who loves you like crazy.
My dear sister, on this special day I wish you a happy birthday and that my message brings the first smile of the day. Happy Birthday.
Dear elder sister, today I congratulate you not only because it is your birthday, but because you have come with your perseverance to achieve everything you set out to do in life.
Never change because you are my great example to follow. Happy birthday to you.
Mom and Dad gave me a great gift when I was little that day, and that gift was you wrapped in a blanket. Since then, I have never been separated from you. I love you, little sister. Happy birthday to you!
My heart is not only mine, it’s been yours since you were born, little one. Happy birthday and blessings, dear sister, I wish that God will accompany you at all times and that your days will be pure happiness.
Even though we have many differences, you will always be my beloved sister. I wish you a lot of fun!
Your big day has come now! You have heard my Happy Birthday now. I have gifts and the cake, because I want to visit you now to lament about the old times with you and fillet the cake. We two have always been connected, not only in the celebrations.
Happy birthday to the best sister you could have. You have been and always will be a very important pillar of my life. Without you, I am reeling. Don’t ever leave.
You were always the best sister in the world and you still are. I wouldn’t trade you for anything – you are amazing! Happy birthday big sister, I love you.
Happy Birthday Wishes for Little Sister

Little sister, today is your birthday. I want to tell you I love you and think of you. May all your wishes and dreams come true!
Happy Birthday sister and celebrate beautifully. Enjoy the day with family and friends and I think of you even if I can not be there.
Dear sister, I wish you all the best and look forward to hugging you soon.
Sis, here comes a bouquet full of dear congratulations. Happy Birthday!
A little birthday greeting for my favorite sister with the warmest congratulations.
Dear sister, you are and will remain my favorite person forever and ever. I wish you all the best and love!
Sis, I want to show you with this bouquet how much I like you. I think of you on your birthday and send you happiness and love!
Sis, I love you and so here comes a big bouquet for your birthday. All the best!
Dear sister, we had a wonderful childhood together, which I always remember with pleasure. Happy birthday, sis.
Thank you for all the shared experiences, dear sister. We will always stay in touch. Celebrate your birthday and enjoy this day!
Dear sister, you are the best, so here is a flower greeting for your birthday celebration.
Sis today is your big day, so here flowers to show that I like you. When we were kids, we fought a lot together, but also laughed tears, and did wonderfully crazy things. I so often think back to it and wish you a happy birthday!
Big sister, little brother, we were always there for each other, it will remain so in the next year of life. Happy birthday, sister!
Sis, you are special in my life, that’s why we are celebrating you today on your birthday.
Dear sister, you are and will always be the best, so we wish you all the best on your birthday.
Sis here comes a bouquet of flowers for you; you still look beautiful. I applaud you for that!
Sis I think of you, so for your birthday you get a bouquet with this little poem.
Happy Birthday dear sister, today begins a new year of life and I hope all your wishes come true.
Happy birthday, good health and happiness; I like to think back to our childhood.
All the best and good luck to my favorite sister, stay healthy and always look back with pleasure to our common youth. Happy Birthday!
Hey favorite sister, you are getting older again! All the best and stay young at heart!
Happy Birthday big sister and thank you for always being there for me. You are just wonderful!
Happy Birthday little sister and all the love from me!
Here’s to you sis, and many more happy years.
Sis, this bouquet of flowers is to make you a huge joy on your birthday.
All the love for the best sister in the world. I wish you an enchanting birthday with many great guests.
Sis, you are the best. Happy birthday and stay healthy!
Congratulations sis, you still look great!
Favorite sister I wish you all the best, health and happiness.
You are sister and friend for me at the same time. Happy birthday, have a wonderful day.
You were always the best sister in the world and you still are. I wouldn’t trade you for anything – you are amazing! Happy birthday big sister, I love you.
Mom and Dad gave me a great gift when I was little that day, and that gift was you wrapped in a blanket. Since then, I have never been separated from you. I love you, little sister. Happy birthday!
It’s true that we had many friends when we were kids, but still I feel that you are not only my sister, but also my best friend. I love you very much, sister. Happy birthday and all the best to you.
Even though we fight a lot sometimes, there is nothing better than a sister’s love. Happy birthday, I hope your day will be great and you will get many gifts.
Never forget that you can count on me on good and bad days. You are my family and family needs to be taken care of at all times. I wish you a very happy birthday. I love you, sister.
Happy birthday to the most beautiful sister in the universe. You have always been a blessing from God and that is that when we thought we could not be happier, you came to assure us that we could be even happier.
You are already a woman! Happy Birthday dear sister, I couldn’t be more proud of you on this special birthday. You learned to be responsible, good and kind. Moreover, you were able to do your studies perfectly and I am sure you can go anywhere. Never forget that your brother supports you and that he will always be there for you no matter what you need .
There is nothing better than being able to share this special moment with you on your birthday. I want you to know that I love you very much and that you are a unique child. Never give up, you can stop doing anything. Happy birthday, sister.
My biggest wish right now is for you to fulfill your dreams. You are my sister and my best friend, so I have to tell you that your happiness will always be mine. I wish you a happy birthday, sweetheart.
Sister, you are an example and an inspiration. You took care of me, you always helped my mother, you managed to reach the peak of your career, and also you always maintained your friendships, how did you achieve them? Anyway, today I want to congratulate you for all your achievements and wish you a happy birthday, you are one of a kind!
Cute Birthday Wishes for Sister

♥ Happy birthday sister! Thank you for all the good advice, love and fun times you’ve given me over the years. Have a happy birthday, you deserve it!
♥ I will never forgive you for every time you fought with me. But I want you to know that despite our differences I will always love you unconditionally. I know that sounds weird, but that’s how wonderful sisterhood is. Happy birthday sister!
♥ Peer pressure, grief and loneliness; insecurity, fear and sadness – the one thing common to all of them is that they can be healed by the hugs of a sister like you. Happy Birthday.
♥ Happy birthday sister! With each passing year, you shine even brighter. I hope everything you wished for comes true. Let’s go for an amazing party!
♥ Wardrobes can’t get any trendier, breakups can’t get any easier, school can’t get any better and life can’t get any better – when a girl has an amazing sister. Happy birthday sister.
♥ How incomplete would one earring be if worn without the other? This is how I would look without you. Happy birthday sister.
♥ None of us are perfect, but our imperfections make us the cute siblings we are. Happy birthday to you.
♥ Happy birthday to my amazing sister. The world is so much brighter with you in it. Wishing you a wonderful party full of joy and laughter!
♥ When I look at you, I feel like I’m looking in the mirror. When I look in the mirror, I see you. Happy birthday sister.
♥ Everything in our lives matches so perfectly that our sisterly relationship could be the most perfect rhyme in the world. Happy birthday sister.
♥ Even though I always end up making a fool of myself, I love doing everything you do to look super cool. Happy birthday to the coolest sister in the whole world.
♥ Even when no one else shows concern or care, a sister is someone who will always be there. Happy Birthday.
♥ Happy birthday to my amazing sister! It was so much fun growing up with my best friend by my side. I hope this year brings you all the joy you deserve.
♥ To my sweet sister, happy birthday. You were my first friend, and as we have grown over the years, the special relationship we share continues to grow. I hope your day is as beautiful and wonderful as you are!
♥ Happy birthday, sis! Today is a day to celebrate the amazing person you are. I hope you enjoy every moment and create many special memories!
♥ Happy birthday to my amazing sister. You have a way of brightening everyone’s world with your warm smile and beautiful soul. Have a great day!
♥ Happy birthday to my beautiful sister! Whatever you were doing to look so good at your age, keep it up! I hope your day is as elegant and wonderful as you are!
♥ Thank you for being such a wonderful sister. You have always been there for me over the years, and I appreciate all the love, care and joy you have sent my way. I couldn’t have asked for a better sister. Enjoy your special day. I love you!
♥ Happy Birthday. To my fabulous sister! I wish you a sensational birthday filled with all the beautiful things in life.
♥ Another birthday and you are still fabulous! I wish you many years of looking young and beautiful!
♥ To my amazing sister! Your birthday is finally here! Now it’s time to celebrate everything that makes you such a great person. Your caring and loving ways, your thoughtfulness, your sense of humor and the fact that you are my sister. I love you, sis!
♥ I wish my fantastic sister a birthday filled with the best birthday candy ever. happy birthday!
♥ To my spectacular sister! I wish you a very special birthday and an exciting year! Thank you for being such a great sister. I love you always!
Beautiful Birthday Wishes for Sister

Happy Birthday to a wonderful sister who filled my life with joy and laughter. I love you!
Happy birthday to my favorite (and only) sister!
Friends come and go, but you are always by my side. I love you so much. Happy Birthday!!!
Today my little sister gets older. I wish you to always stay the way you are because you are awesome. Happy Birthday!!!
Every single important thing I’ve learned in life, I’ve learned from you, my sister. Happy Birthday!!!
Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere.
Thank you for always being such an amazing sister… Happy Birthday!
Although I never enjoyed sharing my things with you, I always enjoyed sharing childhood and love for each other. I wish you a wonderful birthday and a future full of joy!
Thank you for helping me overcome some of life’s biggest obstacles. You are the best sister I could have wished for. Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday to the most adorable sister in the world… Happy Birthday!
In this ocean that is life, you are the guiding star. You are a true gift from God. Happy Birthday!!!
I hold all of our sweetest and most exciting childhood memories in my heart. It was wonderful growing up alongside a crazy, fun girl like you. To me, you will always be that adorable little sister. Happy Birthday!!!
Dear sister, go ahead and have a birthday if it pleases you, but don’t expect me to follow your example! Happy Birthday!
Dear sister, on this special day I want to wish you a life full of happiness, adventures and beautiful surprises. Happy Birthday!
You can choose your friends but not your family. You have been my family and my friend, and I am so lucky to have you as my sister. Happy birthday, my life!
Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for making my life brighter. You are an amazing sister and I hope the next year is full of happiness.
I hope your birthday contains only warm memories, full of love and laughter. May it mark the beginning of a year filled only with hope and promise. Happy Birthday Sister!!!
To my sweet sister, happy birthday. You were my first friend, and as we’ve grown over the years, the special relationship we share continues to get stronger. I hope your day is as beautiful and wonderful as you are!
I know you’ve been through so many hard times, but you never gave up. You are my idol and the strongest woman in the whole world. I wish you a happy birthday full of joy and love.
My sister is everything I strive to be: strong, beautiful and brave. There is no greater compliment I can pay than to tell you that you remind me in so many ways of our mother. Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to my sister: you have a way of lighting up everyone’s world with your warm smile and beautiful soul. Happy Birthday!!!
Even though I don’t talk to you everyday anymore, you are still in my heart. Happy Birthday Sister.
I am so thankful because I was lucky enough to have a sister like you. Celebrate your birthday with the utmost happiness! You always deserve the best, sister.
You are there to make me laugh, You are there to make me smile, You are there to make my life easier, You are there to understand, Happy birthday sister!
We can fight, we can hate and annoy each other, but you will always be my BFF. I love you through thick and thin. Happy Birthday!!!
Dear little sister, to make you in a special way birthday wishes
I thought I’d make and give you this little dvd…
Do not be moved! Happy birthday sister!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister

I love you more than pizza, and that’s saying a lot! Happy birthday to the best slice!
Knock, knock. Who is there? Only me, I wish you a fantastic birthday, dear sister!
Watch out! Here is the coolest sister around. Happy birthday to my sister, my model and my friend in one beautiful lady!
Life is short, but luckily I have you by my side. I couldn’t ask for a better sister and partner in crime.
Whew! Another year has passed and you are even more beautiful today than ever. Happy birthday to my beautiful sister!
Happy birthday, beautiful twin! Looking at you reminds me how beautiful I am. Ha! Happy birthday dear!
So many years, so many childhood memories. When I think of all the fun we had, I can’t help but smile. You were always the best sister in the world.
I wish you smiles, hugs and cake today for your birthday. You deserve them all!
A sister like you is rare and appreciated. I would never in a million years replace you. Happy birthday to the best sister around!
Sister, on your special day, I wish you nothing but the best! May all your dreams and wishes come true.
Happy Birthday to you! I am so happy that we are and will always be best friends forever! Many blessings to you on your special day!
You are a sweet, amazing, fantastic, wonderful sister! I hope you still have the best year!
Happy Birthday to you! You smell like my sister and you look like her too!
I am so glad we are sisters! I wish you a very happy birthday and I hope all your dreams and wishes come true!
I’m so glad I got to grow up with such an amazing sister as you! You are not only my sister but my best friend! Happy Birthday!
My sister, darling. It’s that time of year again when I send you a sarcastic card making fun of you being older than me. So here it is: Happy Birthday! I bought you bingo cards and reading glasses, you know, the essentials for a woman your age.
Can I go grocery shopping with you on Senior Discount Day to save 5%? You qualify, right? I love you sister!
Best friends, partners in crime and cohorts! That’s what we are!
we are! May you have a happy birthday and may we have the craziest, most insane adventures this year!
Kudos to you, my sweet sister! It’s your special day, so let’s celebrate in our own sisterly way! You can raid my closet if I can steal your shoes! I love you very, very much!
Let’s face it: mom and dad thought I was crazy until they met you. Thanks for riding the crazy train so I didn’t have to anymore. Happy Birthday, sister.
When I need to laugh, I think about how we are sisters and how you can’t help it. Happy birthday, sister. Thank you for putting up with me.
A huge thank you for being my bodyguard, my best friend and my secret keeper. I don’t know what I would do without you!
You are more than a sister and more than a friend. You are a hot chick with a little spice and sass and a crazy side – at least that’s how I would describe you if I had to order you from a drive-thru. Just kidding! Happy birthday, sister.
Sometimes I just wonder how you put up with my jokes, pranks and charades. Then it hits me: I put up with all of yours too, so I guess we have it all figured out. Here are many years of fun and jokes together.
If there was a way to bottle it all up in our friendship and fellowship, I’m pretty sure we could sell it and become millionaires. That’s how great we both are.
If life gave us lemons and we made lemonade, it would be pink lemonade because we are so awesome and great. Kudos to our bond, our friendship and our brotherhood. May we share even more years together and may you have even more happy birthdays. You deserve it!
Since you were born, it has been my way, my rules and my time: because I am the one who has to be there. mps: because I’m the big sister. But since it’s your birthday, enjoy these 24 hours of your way, your rules and your time. They won’t last forever, so spend them wisely.
Happy birthday to someone who is totally awesome, beautiful, funny and kind of reminds me of myself! You are a fabulous sister and you know you owe me everything!
Simple Birthday Wishes for Sister

Happy birthday to the coolest sister! The day always gets more beautiful and more fun when you are around.
It’s great to have a sister like you! I wish you all the happiness in the world. Happy birthday to you!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday, dear sister, and that the coming year will be full of exciting opportunities! Keep reaching out to pursue your goals, I believe in you!
If I could choose anyone to be my sister, I would still choose you! You are the best sister and the coolest girl I know. Have a happy birthday!
Happy birthday sister. May today be the beginning of a wonderful, successful and happy year.
There is no better sister I could think of. You are my best friend and partner in crime. Life would be tremendously boring without you. Happy birthday to you!
You have a wonderful birthday and a wonderful year ahead of you, I hope all your dreams and wishes come true! Happy birthday sister!
You are a beautiful person, a loyal friend and such a special sister. Thank you for bringing so much joy and fun into my life. I hope you have a tremendously happy birthday!
I am so grateful that you are my sister, I can’t imagine life without you! Thank you for always being so wonderful to me! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my dear sister, may all your dreams and wishes come true on this special day!
Happy birthday dear sister. I wish I was as good a sister to you as you are to me, I am so lucky to have you. Thank you for always believing in me and encouraging me in life!
Happy birthday to my wonderful twin sister. I am extremely lucky to be able to share so many special things with you, including our birthday!
Happy birthday to my dearest sister! You are such an amazing person and you deserve so much happiness on this special day. I hope it will be a birthday full of fun and happiness!
You are truly an inspiration and role model to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful sister and friend. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday to my dear sister! May the coming year be the best yet!
I am so lucky to have such a sweet and wonderful sister like you! I hope your day will be full of joy and that you can look forward to a very special year. Happy birthday to you!
Relax and enjoy your birthday, it’s your special day where you get to shine! What does it matter that you are a year older? You are also wiser, more experienced and ready to handle anything life has to offer! You just have it all in you!
There is never a dull moment with you in the house, thank you for all the fun and laughter you bring into our lives! May your birthday be full of joy and may the coming year be your best yet! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the funniest, most beautiful, sweetest person I know – you! I hope you have a wonderful day, my dear sister, and may life bring you a lot of joy and prosperity.
If only everyone had a wonderful sister like you! The world would be a whole lot better then. Happy birthday to you!
Birthday Wishes for Sister-in-Law

I’m luckier because in addition to having a great friend in my life, I also have the opportunity to have that friend as my sister-in-law. Win-win. May your birthday be as warm and bright as you are.
My dear sister-in-law, I hope you are having a great day today, I wish you lots of karma and happiness, I won’t wish you love, because you have an amazing man next to you! Happy birthday to you!
You have no reason to love and care for me without sharing a blood bond, yet you do it with so much emotion, I can’t say anything but “I love you”. Happy birthday dear one.
If you drop the in-law part of sister-in-law, then you will have what I truly consider you to be: a sister. I am so grateful to be blessed with another sister in my life and I hope you can consider me your sister too. May your special day be filled with karma, laughter and love.
I was so worried about the impact you would have on my brother’s life that I was blind to how you would affect my own life. You have made such a deep and meaningful impression on both of us, and I am fortunate beyond belief to be connected to such a remarkable woman.
Family gatherings are more enjoyable when you are close by. Happy birthday, sister-in-law! May you have a great and fun birthday!
Don’t tell your brother, but the reason I married him was so I could have you as my sister-in-law! Just kidding, but I’m grateful for the chance to be a part of your family. Happy Birthday to you!
May you continue to be as successful as you are now, whether it be in work, love or happiness. You are an extremely cool person and I am lucky to be related to you. Happy birthday sister-in-law!
The clichés of the world instruct us to have a love-hate relationship with a sister-in-law. But all I have with you is the most beautiful relationship of all. Happy birthday dear one.
If sisters-in-law were Pokémon, you would be Pikachu: aka the best. May you always win your battles in life and capture all your dreams. Happy birthday from your geeky brother-in-law!
The main good choice my brother made in life was to marry you. You have filled our senses and the empty place in our hearts. Happy birthday my dear.
Sister-in-law, even though you are far from my brother’s league, I am grateful to you for marrying him, because otherwise I would have missed having such an amazing and precious friend. Thank you and happy birthday!
People often refer to you as my sister-in-law or my brother’s wife when they talk to me, but I love talking about you as a friend. I hope your birthday is fun and fabulous like you.
Sister-in-law, you have done the impossible. Actually no, not just to keep my brother in line, but you managed to make family parties great! Your quick wit, charming grace and adorable attitude always brighten up our family functions.
When my brother got married, it was a very nice surprise to find out that his wife had a sister. This way I had not one, but two new sisters! Happy birthday to my beautiful sister-in-law!
I am so happy that my husband has such a phenomenal sister. When I first married him, I planned romantic dates with him, but now I get to anticipate coffee dates with you too! Thank you for always treating me like a sister and a friend. Happy birthday to you!
Sister-in-law, you have always made a special effort to include me in your life, and I want you to realize how much I appreciate you. Your caring, warm and generous nature has warmed my soul. May your birthday be a memorable, joyous and prosperous occasion.
Sister-in-law, I was trying to think of the perfect gift to give you for your birthday, but I realized that you now have the best gift: me as your brother-in-law. I couldn’t top that, so I opted for a chocolate cake instead!
After meeting you, I realized something: my wife must have learned her toughness, strength and charm from her older sister! Thank you for being a spectacular sister to us both.
I am so grateful to have such a beautiful sister-in-law. I hope your birthday is as amazing as you are and that our bond continues to grow each year.
Sister-in-law, we may have had a rocky start to our relationship, but the important thing is that we got there in the end! Now there is no one else I would rather go to for friendship and advice than you. I hope you have an amazing birthday that is as beautiful as you are.
May you be as happy as I am on your birthday to have you as my sister-in-law. That is, immeasurably so. You are a wonderful addition to our family and we wish you a happy birthday!
I know you think no one loves you more than my brother, but you wouldn’t be right. I love you to pieces, sister-in-law! By far, the best thing my brother could do was to marry such a lovely and special woman. Happy birthday to you!
I couldn’t have asked for a better sister-in-law, because you are calm, cool and captivating. How my brother managed to get you to marry him is still a mystery to me, but I’m glad you succumbed to whatever it was! Happy birthday to my remarkable sister-in-law!
If I had the opportunity to choose a sister-in-law, I wouldn’t choose anyone but you! Special birthday wishes for my exceptionally special sister-in-law!
Sister-in-law, family gatherings are much more exciting now that you are here. You are an absolute pleasure to be around, and I am so lucky to have the opportunity to spend time with such a sassy, smart, and spontaneous woman. Happy birthday to my beautiful sister-in-law!
Since I have such a large family, I have no shortage of in-laws. However, the only in-law I can always go to for advice, support and love is you. I’m so glad you’re in my life and I hope your big day is loaded with happy people, cool gifts and chocolate cake.
I love seeing you happy, my dear sister-in-law and I hope you are extremely happy today because it is your birthday!
For me, the best thing about your birthday is the fact that I get to hear your laughter all day. It warms my heart because you are a beautiful addition to our family. Happy Birthday!
Sister-in-law, there are several things I want to take the time to thank you for: for always letting me confide in you like a true sister, for comforting me when life didn’t go my way, and for loving me as much as you love my brother. I am eternally grateful to have you in my life.
I hope my beautiful sister-in-law has as special a birthday as she does for everyone she knows. You are a pleasure to be around, and our entire family is grateful to have you as part of us. Happy Birthday to you!
I wish you good fortune, treasure and wealth this year on your big day, sister-in-law. You may have noticed a common theme with this wish, but I promise you it’s for a valid reason. I really, really need you to buy my brother some sanity this year! Just kidding and happy birthday!
Along with the fact that I’ve been blessed with not only a great husband, but a beautiful sister-in-law as well. Happy birthday to you!
Thank you for giving me perhaps the greatest gift I have ever received: nieces and nephews. They bring me as much joy as you do. Happy birthday to my beloved sister-in-law!
Sister-in-law, I would trust that on your special day, you are surrounded by love. Yet, there is really no compelling reason to trust, because I will be there, so it’s a no-brainer. I love you, because you are family, but since you are an exceptional person I am happy to call my friend.
I tried not to have expectations when my brother married you, but it didn’t matter because you surpassed them all anyway. You are darling, stunning and delightful. May your birthday be half as dear to me as you are. Happy birthday sister-in-law!
I hope all your wishes come true this year for your birthday. I know it’s possible, because when I was a kid I always wished I had a sister, and now I have you in my life. Happy birthday sister-in-law!
Happy birthday to the woman I cherish like a little sister: my lovely sister-in-law. I see now that intelligence, kindness and beauty are part of the family, and I am so happy that not only do I have an incredible wife, but also an incredible sister-in-law.
I know that where it counts, you secretly long for me and married my younger brother to be close to me, sister-in-law. At least, that’s what I let myself know because the idea of someone truly loving my little brother is too hard to even think about fathoming! Happy birthday to my secret admirer!
Over the years you have given me so many reasons to smile, and I hope that on your birthday you never stop smiling. You bring warmth, happiness and joy to everyone around you.
When I think of you, I can’t help but be amazed at how kind and generous you are. I am so lucky that you are a member of my family and I hope you have an amazing birthday.
You have been such a sweet and beautiful sister-in-law, so today I wanted to say thank you. I am glad you were born and came into my life and filled it with light and love.
Sister-in-law, my memories of you are always bright and warm. You are one of the most incredible women I have ever had the privilege to know in life. I am so grateful to have the chance to be connected to you, and I sincerely hope you have a wonderful birthday.
The best thing about having you as my sister-in-law is that we didn’t have to suffer through that awkward stage of growing up together. Instead, we got to move right on to the big part: being friends. Happy birthday to my “sister” and friend!
My brother has done a lot of stupid and foolish things in his life, but marrying you was not one of them. In fact, it may have been the main smart thing he did! Thank you for being a part of our family, and may you have a fun birthday to boot with hope and pleasure.
Sister-in-law, you may be your parents’ beloved daughter, my brother’s beloved wife, but you are also my best friend. Thank you for bringing so much happiness and bliss for all our lives. May your birthday be meaningful and bright. Happy Birthday!
Every time your birthday comes, I feel happy and delighted to realize that someone so gorgeous and caring is a part of my family. I am sending you many warm and loving thoughts today. Happy birthday sister-in-law!
Sister-in-law, I think my children might love you more than me! Thank you for being not only a sister to me, but also a brilliant aunt. May your big day be filled with happiness and joy.
Sister-in-law, you seem to have a special gift in life: attracting positive, amazing, beautiful people. First my brother, and now me. You are certainly a lucky man. Although to be fair, you are all those things too! Happy birthday to starting with one amazing person and then to the next!
Sister-in-law, our relationship is a lot like Toy Story in that “You have a friend in me”. I never think of you as a brother-in-law, because to me, you are simply my friend. Happy birthday to you!
Do you know how much my wife and I love you? Every time I reveal to her that you are the sweetest sister-in-law on the planet, she really agrees with me. Happy Birthday.
One of the most fabulous surprises life has thrown at me is you, my dear sister-in-law! Congratulations on your day, may it be fantastic!
Over the years, you have always touched me with your ability to make others laugh. Your addition to our family has enhanced our lives in many delightful ways. Thank you for being such a positive and bright person, and may your birthday be spectacular.
I am so grateful that you are my sister-in-law. I can honestly say that you are a blessing to our family. Happy Birthday to you!
I am so ecstatic that you have become a part of my family. May your birthday bring you all the bright things you have always wanted in life. Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my amazing advisor and a great friend! I wish you immense joy and endless happiness, dear sister-in-law!
Happy birthday to the only woman brave enough to marry my brother! You are my hero. May your birthday delight you and may your joy be immeasurable this year.
I was so worried when my older brother married you because I thought you would have my place in his heart. However, I am now realizing how foolish I was because you just expanded his heart with your love. Thank you for always including me and making me feel doubly loved.